Accreditation category – Consultation

A consultation is open in relation to the accreditation category ‘material measures of length’.

Trading Standards wish to advise that a consultation is open for accredited persons in relation to the accreditation category ‘material measures of length’.

Under this category, an accredited person can inspect and verify measures of length that are approved for trade use in New Zealand.    


To support this, we are proposing for the introduction of a general certificate of approval for measures of length. This change will aim to do the following:

  • Define the characteristics a measure of length must meet before it can be stamped with a mark of verification; and subsequently used for trade, and
  • Ensure non-packaged goods that are sold by reference to length is measured using approved and verified equipment. 

For more information on the general certificate of approval, and the potential and / or actual impacts upon businesses and consumers, see the public consultation on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)'s website:

Have your say – Length measures in use for trade(external link) — MBIE

What this means for you

If the category ‘material measures of length’ is enacted, then you apply to increase your accreditation scope to include it, you must develop and / or maintain the following:

  • A working standard, traceable to national measurement standards, which is suitable for the verification of a measure of length in use for trade 
  • Test procedures and test sheets
  • Suitable resources must be available to an accredited individual to complete testing and verification, and
  • The organisation’s Quality Management System will be updated accordingly.

For more information on the application process, see the following page:

Increasing your accreditation scope

Once the organisation has been approved for the increase in scope, an application can be made for an individual, where a compliance audit will take place, and must be passed, before any accreditation related work can be conducted.         


If you require more information on this, wish to express an interest to be accredited for ‘material measures of length’ and / or provide any feedback on the proposal, please email:

For any feedback on the public consultation, please follow the instructions on the page linked above.

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Feedback on this and the public consultation is to be submitted by 5pm on Friday, 20 September 2024.