About us
Trading Standards administers and enforces New Zealand’s system of trade measurement, making sure that weighing and measuring equipment, and the quantities of all goods sold by weight, measure or number, are accurate.
In this section
Measurement in New Zealand
Trading Standards administers and enforces the weights and measures legislation in New Zealand. This includes a broad range of activities, from advising consumers to inspecting businesses and approving new weighing and measuring equipment.
Powers, offences and our enforcement strategy
Trading Standards enforces the Weights and Measures Act and Regulations. Powers of inspection and inspectors' warrants are provided for in Part 5 of the Act.
Visits by Trading Standards Officers
Trading Standards Officers visit businesses to check they're complying with Weights and Measures Act and Regulations.
- Making a complaint or enquiry
News and notices
News and notices for businesses who sell goods by weight or measure, or provide weighing or measuring equipment or services relating to such equipment.
Consultation factsheet – Length measures in use for trade
This factsheet includes key facts and information to support Trading Standards consultation on length measures in use for trade.
Contact us
Get in touch with us if you would like more information or if you have a question or complaint about a Trade Measurement related product or service.
How we protect your privacy on our website.
Copyright and disclaimer
Here’s where you’ll find links and information about tradingstandards.govt.nz copyright and disclaimer.