Making a complaint or enquiry
Thank you for taking the time to contact us. We value the information you provide to help us protect consumers and support businesses in New Zealand.
What we do with your complaint / enquiry
- All reports to Trading Standards are recorded and assessed. Once we make an initial assessment, we then decide whether to take further action.
- We aim to respond to every complaint / enquiry made to us.
- We prioritise the issues which may cause the most harm to New Zealanders to utilise our resources efficiently.
- We may contact you if we need more information about the complaint or enquiry.
- For more information, see our How we do it page:
What we don’t do with your complaint / enquiry
- We do not offer a dispute resolution service. If you are seeking a refund, replacement, or compensation in relation to the goods or service you have purchased, you will need to act independently.
- We do not provide legal advice regarding your rights and obligations under the laws we enforce.
What we do about your privacy
- To ensure the protection of your identity, please verify your consent at the bottom of the form.
- The information you provide will be disclosed within the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. If you believe there are any grounds for nondisclosure, please include them while you fill this form, and we will take them into consideration during our review.
- When we investigate your complaint, we will first contact you and ask if you are comfortable with us disclosing your identity, and/or sharing details about your complaint with the business. With your consent we may disclose this information.
- The information you provide may be subject to release under the Official Information Act 1982, Privacy Act 2020, Parliamentary Select Committee or Parliament in response to a Parliamentary Question or other legal requirement.
- You have the right to ask if we have any personal information about you, access that information, and request corrections if necessary. You can do so by following the processes in our privacy statement:
Timeframe for response
We will respond to your complaint or enquiry within 5 working days.
NOTE: Please ensure that you complete all required fields marked with an asterisk (*) before submitting the form.