Trade measurement newsletter
Trading Standards' newsletter keeps you up to date with what we're doing, and gives important information about your legal metrology work.
If you plan to use an article or information from articles more than 3 months old, please contact us to check that information is still accurate.
The Measure - June 2018(external link)
Issue 14
In our June issue we talk about our new website and our new online learning modules.
The Measure - January 2018(external link)
Issue 13
In our January issue we talk about our new and updated technical policies, health and safety, online learning modules, international metrology updates, our feature on Fair Go and much more.
The Measure - May 2017(external link)
Issue 12
In our May issue we talk about our updated technical and accreditation policies, the status of our Wellington laboratory and a range of new online forms we're creating to making getting in contact easier.
The Measure - October 2016(external link)
Issue 11
In this edition we discuss our new technical policies which come into force on 1 Jan 2017. We also provide an overview of the revised the Guidance Document for Packers and Importers.
The Measure – July 2016(external link)
Issue 10
The July issue talks about the finalisation of our updated Technical Policies documentation, the Maritime NZ container gross weight requirements, the addition of two new Trading Standards Officers to the team, practical training courses provided by MSL and a list of the latest approvals.
The Measure – April 2016(external link)
Issue 9
Our April issue advises readers of the events that will take place to mark World Metrology Day on the 20th May, along with highlighting the procedure a Management Representative should follow when proposing alternative test procedures than detailed in their Quality Manual. Instructions are also provided on how to submit Working Standards to the Auckland laboratory for verification as well as an article on how Trading Standards is utilising new technology to make inspections and audits more efficient.
The Measure – January 2016(external link)
Issue 8
January’s e-newsletter provides guidance to APs on the action to take when an unsafe fuel dispenser hose is identified. Readers are also made aware of some consequential amendments made to the Weights and Measures Regulations 1999 and the 17th International Flow Measurement Conference taking place in Australia. Articles acknowledging the successful completion of the IANZ audits, which were conducted on the Trading Standards laboratories along with introducing two new technicians in both Auckland and Christchurch is also included. The newsletter finishes with a short article summarising the international work that is being conducted to redefine the kilogram.
The Measure – June 2015(external link)
Issue 7
July's newsletter introduces the new international maritime requirements for containers declaring a verified gross weight statement and provides notification to a measurement conference that will be taking place in New Zealand. We celebrate a Trainee completing his training to become an Officer and also Trading Standards obtaining ISO 9001 accreditation. An overview of the recent weighbridge run is provided along with a summary of a recent training course Officers have been involved with. We finish by telling you about the recent approvals being issued and a reminder to seal junction boxes in weighing instruments.
The Measure – December 2014(external link)
Issue 6
Our December issue updates you about recent Trading Standards appointments, promotions, relocations and a retirement. We tell you about some fuel measurement workshops that we are planning to run and introduce a new policy for conducting surveillance. We give some laboratory news and list the latest approvals issued. The newsletter also introduces a new system being developed to allow APs to complete verification of their working standards. We finish by telling you about the recent international measurement conferences held in New Zealand and explain about OIML-MAA for pattern approvals.
The Measure – August 2014(external link)
Issue 5
Our August issue introduces Trading Standards’ new online tool to help traders find an Accredited Person. We provide statistics for the number of certified instruments in New Zealand and link to the new application for accreditation. We also tell you about a recent training workshop for two Samoan inspectors and provide the international requirements for working standards of mass.
The Measure – April 2014(external link)
Issue 4
April's e-newsletter provides a summary of the recent amendments to the Weights and Measures Act. This newsletter also tells you about an interactive map we are developing that will allow users to search for accredited persons by area and instrument. We tell you about two 500kg masses we are offering for tender, our new Trading Standards email address, and that we are reviewing loadrite test procedures. The term ‘traders’ weights’ is explained and we discuss the relationship between Trading Standards and the Measurement Standards Laboratory.
The Measure – January 2014(external link)
Issue 3
The first issue of the New Year introduces a new initiative to reduce strain for Officers when testing 20kg weights and for keeping Accredited Persons safe while working in Trading Standards' laboratories. We provide a ‘heads-up’ about an information request to Management Representatives. We also introduce a fresh pair of hands in the Auckland office – a UK Officer who is there for 9 months. And we explain the approvals prefix required for instrument legend plates.
The Measure – November 2013(external link)
Issue 2
Our November issue announces our new name – Trading Standards – and discusses what this means for Accredited Persons. We tell you about recent developments with the Approvals Database and the new steps Trading Standards are taking to reduce the number of non-compliances found in the marketplace. We also have some requests for Accredited Persons submitting standards or weights and measures for trade.
The Measure – September 2013(external link)
Issue 1
Read our new e-newsletter, "The Measure", which we intend to publish every two months. This first issue announces the release of the Accreditation Guide 2013. It also gives you a 'sneak peak' at Trading Standards' primary testing laboratory in Auckland. We introduce our new team members and tell you about a new method of determining the compatibility between an indicator and load cell.
measureUP - June 2009 newsletter [PDF, 1.4 MB]
In this edition of measureUP, we highlight MAPSS responsibility monitoring the quality of the New Zealand retail fuel supply and discuss issues surrounding ‘Hot Fuel’. We also clarify requirements for verification, Certificates of Accuracy and Notices of Non Compliance. Further information is also given on the training requirements for applicants seeking accreditation status.
measureUP - March 2008 newsletter [PDF, 1.2 MB]
In this edition of measureUP, we highlight MAPSS' responsibility for monitoring the quality of the New Zealand retail fuel supply and discuss issues surrounding ‘Hot Fuel’. We also clarify requirements for verification, Certificates of Accuracy and Notices of Non Compliance. Further information is also given on the training requirements for applicants seeking accreditation status.
measureUP - November 2006 newsletter [PDF, 1.3 MB]
In this edition of measureUP, we look at the introduction of a three year renewal period for letters of accreditation for APs, the review of the Australian National Trade Measurement system and legislation, and Pattern Approval for Weighing and Measuring Equipment.
measureUP - March 2006 newsletter [PDF, 2.1 MB]
There have been many changes to the Measurement and Product Safety Service (MAPSS) and legal metrology in recent times. Changes, such as those to the accreditation scheme since the commencement of the Weights and Measures Amendment Act 2005, makes the need for communication between the Ministry, Accredited Persons (APs) and stakeholders important.