Amend, suspend or revoke accreditation

This section has information on amendment, suspension or revocation of accreditation.

When a breach of the weights and measures legislation or Trading Standards requirements has been discovered, the Client Manager may issue a letter of amendment, suspension or revocation of accreditation for an accredited individual and/or an organisation.

For example, when the organisation:

  • has failed to meet all the requirements for accreditation prescribed by the Regulations made under the Act;
  • has failed to comply with any condition imposed by Trading Standards in respect of that person's accreditation;
  • has failed to exercise or perform the powers, functions, or duties of an accredited person to a satisfactory standard;
  • has not resolved a non compliance previously raised by Trading Standards; or
  • has committed an offence under the Act.

For example, when the individual:

  • has failed to comply with any condition of accreditation imposed by Trading Standards; 
  • has failed to exercise or perform the powers, functions, or duties of an accredited person to a satisfactory standard; or
  • has committed an offence under the Act.

The letter of amendment, suspension or revocation of accredition will be issued to the Director of the accredited organisation and/or to an accredited individual; depending on the nature of the non-compliance, and a copy may be provided to the Management Representative.

For more information see: