Revoke accreditation

A revocation is where an individual or organisation will no longer be considered accredited for the purposes of the Act.

The process for revocation is as follows:

Step 1

  • Trading Standards Client Manager sends a letter that states the details of the non-compliance(s), summarises the attempted actions to resolve the matter and states the intention to revoke the accreditation of an individual or an organisation.

Step 2

  • When an organisation receives a letter of intention to revoke, either the accreditation of an individual or the organisation, the organisation is requested to respond in writing to Trading Standards within 10 working days from the date of the letter. In absence of that request, the revocation will commence.

Step 3

  • In the absence of a response from the organisation within 10 working days, Trading Standards will issue a letter of revocation that states the reason(s) for the revocation of the accredited individual or organisation.

Notice icon NOTE

When an individual has been revoked, Trading Standards will issue an updated Letter of Accreditation to the organisation. When the organisation is revoked, the current Letter of Accreditation is deemed null and void.

Step 4

  • When an organisation receives a letter of revocation they may appeal the Secretaries decision within 28 days from the date of the letter to the District Court.