Amend accreditation
An amendment is where a condition is added to a category of accreditation or a category of accreditation is removed for an individual or organisation.
An amendment may be used at any time during the period of accreditation where insufficient surveillance has been carried out on a category of accreditation or on an individual or failure to comply with a condition of accreditation applied by Trading Standards.
The process for amendment is as follows:
Step 1
- Trading Standards Client Manager sends a letter that states the details of the non-compliance(s), summarises the attempted actions to resolve the matter and confirms the class(es) of instrument that has been amended; and whether the amendment applies to the individual or organisation.
- Trading Standards will issue an updated Letter of Accreditation to the organisation, which includes the amendment.
Step 2
- An organisation that receives a letter of amendment may appeal the Secretary's decision within 28 days from the date of the letter of amendment to the District Court.