Suspend accreditation
A suspension is where the accreditation of an individual or organisation will be temporarily removed for a number of days. During this period they are not permitted to perform any of their accreditation duties for one or more categories of accreditation.
The process for suspension is as follows:
Step 1
- Trading Standards Client Manager sends a letter that states the details of the non-compliance(s), summarises the attempted actions to resolve the matter, states the category of accreditation that has been suspended and for how long the suspension will apply to the individual or organisation.
- If an individual(s) is suspended, Trading Standards will issue an updated Letter of Accreditation to the organisation to reflect the suspension.
Step 2
- The organisation receives the letter of suspension and may appeal the Secretaries decision within 28 days from the date of the letter to the District Court.
Step 3
- If required, before the expiry date of the suspension Trading Standards may carry out a Compliance Audit on the suspended individual(s) to determine if the suspension has to be rescinded, maintained or further enforcement action is required.