Certificate of Accuracy templates

Certificate of Accuracy issued by an accredited person can either be in label form or non-label form.

Certificate of Accuracy issued in label form

This Certificate of Accuracy is a self-adhesive label that can't be removed without being destroyed. It is required to contain certain information and in a specific format, as prescribed by Schedule 5, Form 7 of the Weights and Measures Regulations 1999.

It is recommended that the label is displayed in a prominent position on the instrument, and in retail locations, in full view of the consumer.

Guidelines for creating a label

The label is required to contain the following information:

  • Name of the accredited person
  • Logo of the accredited person (optional)

[Note: The name and logo (if any) of the accredited person may occupy no more than 30% of the label.]

  • [TEXT] Examined and tested by an accredited person. Complies with the requirements of regulation 20 of the Weights and Measures Regulations 1999.
  • Date of expiry

[Note: The statement of the expiry date of the certificate of accuracy must occupy at least 40% of the label.]

  • Personal identifier of person issuing the certificate

[Note: The personal identifier of the person issuing the certificate of accuracy may occupy no more than 10% of the label.]

Example Certificate of Accuracy

Example Certificate of Accuracy showing the name of the accredited person at the top, followed by text saying Examined and tested by an accredited person. Complies with the requirements of regulation 20 of the Weights and Measures Regulation 1999., then This certificate of accuracy expires on:, and at the bottom, Personal identifier of person issuing the certificate:.

Certificate of Accuracy issued not in label form

This Certificate of Accuracy is only to be used when it is impractical to use a label form. It is required to contain certain information and in a specific format, as prescribed by Schedule 5, Form 9 of the Weights and Measures Regulations 1999.

Guidelines for creating a form

The form is required to contain the following information:

  • Name of accredited person (record AP organisation name)
  • Identifier of accredited person (record AP organisation accreditation number)
  • Logo of accredited person (AP logo, optional)
  • [TEXT] The weight(s) (or measure(s) or weighing or measuring instrument(s)) specified in the Schedule of this Certificate has/have been examined and tested by an accredited person and found to comply with the requirements of regulation 20 of the Weights and Measures Regulations 1999.
  • Date of expiry (insert date)

[Note: The statement relating to the expiry date of the certificate of accuracy must occupy at least 15% of the certificate.]

  • Schedule of equipment to which this certificate relates

[Insert description of weight, measure, or weighing or measuring instrument]

[Insert any serial number or other identifying feature of the weight, measure, or weighing or measuring instrument]

  • This certificate of accuracy is issued by (insert full name of accredited person issuing the certificate)
  • Personal identifier (insert personal identifier of person issuing the certificate)
    • Signature of accredited person issuing the certificate
    • Date

Example Certificate of Accuracy (not in label form)

An example of a Certificate of Accuracy, not as a label. The text version is written out above.