TS–004 Printed and stored information generated from measuring instruments

This policy is to be used to confirm the accuracy and suitability of the printed and stored information generated from an approved liquid measuring instrument.

Reference documents


Self-service arrangement - attended service mode (incl. post-payment and pre-payment modes): e.g. Driveway flowmeters on forecourts, road tanker etc.

If a driveway flowmeter is connected to a printing device then the printed record shall duplicate the price and/or measurement data displayed on the primary indicator of the measuring instrument. Additional information may be provided on the printed record of the transaction, some or all may not be subject to pattern approval.

The printed record shall be checked in conjunction with any verification or inspection tests carried out on the measuring instrument. If a printing/memory device is retrospectively fitted to the approved instrument, the Accredited Person shall confirm that any printed record is correct and add those results to the previous verification or inspection test sheets.

Self-service arrangement - un-attended service mode (driveway flowmeters at truck stops), etc:

In such arrangements, the following additional primary indications shall be provided:

  • A printing device for issuing a customer receipt and
  • A device (printing or memory) for registering measurement data for the benefit of the supplier.

The records obtained from both the above devices shall be checked in conjunction with any verification or inspection tests carried out on the measuring instrument.

Trade Measurement — Technical Policy

Policy number: TS - 004
Effective date: July 2016
Version date: December 2019
Version number: 2
Policy name: Printed and stored information generated from measuring instruments
Reviewed by: Davis White, Legal Metrology Advisor and Senior Trading Standards Officer
Approved by: Phil Sorrell, Team Leader Compliance and Inspection